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Board of Selectmen Special Minutes 09/14/2016

Board of Selectman
Special Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2016

The Board of Selectman held a Special Meeting at 8:00 am on September 14, 2016 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectman Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Skip Sibley were present.

  • Vote on recommendation to approve change orders as recommended by the BHPIC:
First Selectman Reemsnyder said the meeting was called to review the recommendation for change orders, and that all three Selectmen were present at the BHPIC meeting on Sept. 12, 2016, when each of the change orders was discussed. She felt it was worth describing each for this meeting.

  • PCO 01 for $103,632.86: The original change order submitted was for over $110,000, and First Selectman Reemsnyder and Paul Gianquinto met with Scope Construction on Monday morning in New Britain to review the details of the CO. After it was determined that the existing slab could not be used due to the inconsistent depth and an issue with the metal grating of the slab, Scope Construction had to go from Selective demolition to full demolition of the slab. There was consideration to use a slab that was insulated to protect against frost, but that turned out to be about the same cost as building a foundation with footings and a non-structural slab. Change order is detailed with quantities, labor costs and a charge by the sub-contractor for delays in the work. The potential cost could have been $3,000/day or $24,000, and the meeting on Monday resulted in that cost being reduced to a total of $4,000. There were also some quantities and other areas that Paul and Scope discussed that resulted in lower costs overall, though we all acknowledge that this is a large amount for a change order.  Selectman Sibley noted that the foundation walls themselves turned out to be inadequate for the new design and point loads, though they were adequate for the original boathouse. The only wall that may have been salvaged was the north wall, but it was not cost effective to save it. He reiterated that the Architect recommended from the beginning that removal of the entire slab would likely be more cost effective, but several members of the committee felt it could be re-utilized, and ultimately the entire committee agreed to try to save the money. It was agreed that the one place to not cut costs was on the foundation. He noted that at the BHPIC meeting on Monday night, there was a question about the high cost of $103,000, and if we had planned on a new slab from the beginning, was this the additional cost that could have been anticipated as part of the bid. Paul Gianquinto felt that this amount is about 30% more than if we had made it part of the bid, partially due to the cost of selective demolition, delays, etc. He pointed out that rehab work can always have some surprises, which we have experienced in the past, such as with Town Hall, and the High School. Selectman Sibley asked that Paul and I request that Scope reconsider their fee for Supervision and Project Management at 40 hours each. First Selectman Reemsnyder said that while she agreed it is worth asking, Scope pointed out that they put a lot of time in due to the changes and developing the plans, but she did not expect it to change. Selectwoman Nosal agreed with the comments of the Selectmen, and pointed out that Paul Gianquinto basically said that this is probably the biggest issue we will have to face, because the rest of the building is fairly basic. She also pointed out that if he had not negotiated the delay costs, we would be well above the original $110k change order, and there were many changes throughout the document. Selectman Sibley pointed out that the Contractor has moved forward on the work at his own risk before this change order has been approved. He has been out to the site often, and the new walls are going to serve the community well, especially since we will house children, community members, expensive equipment. First Selectman Reemsnyder noted that the next change orders are both credits, and the Committee and Selectmen will continue to look for savings. A motion was made by Selectman Sibley to approve Change Order 01 in the amount of $103, 632.86, Second by Selectwoman Nosal. Motion approved.
  • PCO 03 for  -$5896.58 The change order is to remove the installation of the three cupolas in an effort to save some money. While there are not a lot of areas where we can cut, this is one that can be cut. Selectman Sibley pointed out that at the BHPIC meeting, there was discussion about the calculations of the trusses to hold the cupolas in the event that they are added in the future. These calculations would be provided by the truss company, so there was hope that they will cooperate with providing the calculations. All agreed that the cupolas are a nice design feature, but the nearly Selectman Sibley made a motion to approve Change Order 03 for a credit of $5896.58. Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion. Motion approved.
  • PCO 04 rev 1 for -$843.19 This is a change order that, if approved by the Building Official, would mean that the plywood needed to meet shear wall construction can be deleted. This change order can be approved on the condition that the Building Official agrees that the plywood does not need to be installed. Selectman Sibley made a motion to approve Change Order 04 rev 1 for a credit of $843.19 on the condition that the Building Official approves this change. Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion. Motion approved.
First Selectman Reemsnyder stated that the impact on the boathouse project budget meant that there would be about $77,000 remaining, which is less than anyone is comfortable with, but we will continue to look for savings and efficiencies. She noted that she felt that approving these change orders was the right thing to do, as a building cannot be built without a foundation. Selectman Sibley mentioned that the $77,000 includes $18,000 in contingency, and we all hope that there will be no more surprises. He said that we were going to have cooperation from the committee, with the Finance Director and the Treasurer, on developing a budget so we have good financial control on this. Additionally, he noted that at the BHPIC meeting on Monday night, there was a motion to put all this on hold until we have it all done, and it was defeated soundly, because the committee realizes that doing nothing will cost us. The demolition sub-contractor alone was looking for $3,000/day for the delays (which was negotiated lower), and if all were on hold, Selectman Sibley could see it costing $5-10,000 per day. This cost risk was a factor in the deliberations today for him when approving this change order.

  • Adjournment:
A motion to adjourn was made by Selectwoman Nosal at 8:27 am, seconded by Selectman Sibley. Motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Reemsnyder